
Finally posted my short story that I did for school! Check it out! It's called Hope, I hope everyone enjoys it.


Yo i'm wroting a four page entry for school and because they didnt mention the Holocaust on Holocaust remembrance day I'ma write about a concentration camp. Well an escape of. Its not gonna be about the holocaust and i'm not gonna name the groups of people it will be entirely fictional, but heavily based off of the holocaust. Also thats screwed up like you'd think they would mention that, like a legit mass genociode of a global group of people, who were put through hell because of their race. Yeah i think we should at least mention that on the day specifically for the remembrance of it. Maybe next year they will mention it. 


I give everyone criticism, it's not just you 


@MysticRainbows also yes my pfp is Chihiro he is the best boy and you cannot prove me wrong. 


@Likliklik333 its ok lol, criticism helps some people


So in the book of Jezabel i realised when watching Shazam (frwaking awesome love it Jack and Asher) that i need to look up how foster homes work so i wont completely screw this up and a foster kid make fun of me for not knowing how they qork exactly lol so definitaly gonna update that later