Hi! My name is Maria, but you can call me Mystic if you want! I love a lot of things. Including hugs, unicorns, and anime. 
Here are a few trivial things about me:
Favorite Color: Cyan

Favorite Genre: DYSTOPIROMANTASY!! Welp there I go talking in my own language. Dystopiromantasy is Dystopian+Romance+Fantasy.

Favorite Book: Ummmmmmmm...... hehehe *drags in a 72' pile of books*

Favorite anime: YOU CAN'T MAKE ME CHOOSE!!!

Favorite Fandom: *hugs all fandoms* chu are all my family

Favorite Animal: I would go with cats... but lionesses are pretty cool.
  • In the different realms of my fanfictions
  • JoinedNovember 25, 2017
