
It was only you. You and me. That's all that's left. The trees were silent observers as one of us took our last stance. One of us will not be coming out of this. I had never seen such an intense emotion before than the bloodlust in your eyes as you stood like an antique sword. Stiff an unmoving. Yet still any  blunt blade can be fastened into new. You have already taken down everyone I knew and yet it seems you want to allow me the honour of not suffering any more.
          Then do it.
          The weapon you have so loving grasped onto. The one who still now held the fresh red of my kin. It had the chance to shine as it slowly levitated towards the sky. It glistened and gleamed in the fresh afternoon. Spring is suppose to be the time of beginnings.
          I don't know if I should be breathing. Not in the I think I'm already dead way, even though it is inevitable now. But rather is it worth it. Should I savour my last few breaths? Or let them all out and maybe then my timer will release its self. However, my body decides this for me. 
          I can't breathe.
          You clearly can. Your mouth opens. Your tounge savouring the taste as I am the last of its spree. Its like time itself stops. Why won't this end.
          Your finger poises with perfect aim as my ears hear their final lullaby.