
Hi guys, or at least those of you that are still here... I truly apologize for not uploading for such a long period of time. I've been dealing with many things in my life that have eaten up my time like the Sarlac Pit. My grandma, who I shared a very deep relationship with, passed away recently. It's also my Junior year of high school, which has proved very overwhelming. Getting back into normal routine has proved quite difficult but I assure you that my writings are not over. Thank you for those that may have stuck around, and for those that may have moved on to something else, I'm sorry I could not have updated enough and I wish you good luck in your future writing and reading. 
          	                                         Sincerely, Mystical Meows


Hi guys, or at least those of you that are still here... I truly apologize for not uploading for such a long period of time. I've been dealing with many things in my life that have eaten up my time like the Sarlac Pit. My grandma, who I shared a very deep relationship with, passed away recently. It's also my Junior year of high school, which has proved very overwhelming. Getting back into normal routine has proved quite difficult but I assure you that my writings are not over. Thank you for those that may have stuck around, and for those that may have moved on to something else, I'm sorry I could not have updated enough and I wish you good luck in your future writing and reading. 
                                                   Sincerely, Mystical Meows


Hi! For any of you that have my notifications, you've probably noticed tons of updates coming your way. Awesome things are happening! Here's a list:
          •Updated media to a certain art style
          •QOL update to writing 
          •Proofread and edited chapters to make them more accessible to readers.
          Thanks for sticking around. Hope these updates will improve your enjoyment of the series!


So I've been writing, but something has come up and I've decided to post-pone my story for a while. My grandma recently has been sent to the ER after having hallucinations caused by a cancerous tumor in her brain. They found her lost in the neighborhood park, swearing that my family and I were in town still and that we were still on our cruise ship. She ended up falling a long ways down and injured her foot, breaking it. She'll have to get really important surgery in a few days and she'll be unable to walk and practically take care of herself for a long time. I'm sorry for the delay, but she's a very important part of my life and I need to be there for her every step of the way in this battle for her life. Thank you all for being understanding (I think). Game of Life is not done, just delayed for a while...