
Thing about writing another book since my first few didn't go so well, if you have any ideas let me know please and thanks


@ayatori74 thanks Aunty buy that's your idea I don't want to take it but thank you for the offer 


Hey, kiddo.  I'm actually rough drafting a story myself about lost love with high school sweethearts.  One big twist is that the main character can go back in time.  But, she can't make any big changes (leave a bad date, stay home from a dance, throwing a punch), she can only make one small one (saying 'no' or 'yes', agree to a date, eats.) The next kicker, she only gets three chances within 12 hours after the 'bad incident' happened to change it. I'm a little stuck trying to come up with good scenarios.  You're more than welcome to try this idea.  Love you to the moon, stars and sky above! ❤️, Auntie Alison


Thing about writing another book since my first few didn't go so well, if you have any ideas let me know please and thanks


@ayatori74 thanks Aunty buy that's your idea I don't want to take it but thank you for the offer 


Hey, kiddo.  I'm actually rough drafting a story myself about lost love with high school sweethearts.  One big twist is that the main character can go back in time.  But, she can't make any big changes (leave a bad date, stay home from a dance, throwing a punch), she can only make one small one (saying 'no' or 'yes', agree to a date, eats.) The next kicker, she only gets three chances within 12 hours after the 'bad incident' happened to change it. I'm a little stuck trying to come up with good scenarios.  You're more than welcome to try this idea.  Love you to the moon, stars and sky above! ❤️, Auntie Alison


Hey! I lost you for a while GiGi... We never yet to play volleyball against your would've been really cool to actually see you in person...I'm sorry. ~ Snippy


got* Hopefully! :)


Awww I know right but maybe next year 


I'm having a conflicting idea, I've posted my crappy book on here and it did okay I guess. If anyone wants me to post it let me know I'm really not sure if I should because I don't really like my book but if people are willing to read it I'll give the people what they want 


this message may be offensive
I'm so sick and tired of people on this app following others for their looks! It angers me when people won't talk to or acknowledge the existence of people that aren't so good looking! Okay so what? Not everybody can be models. Nobody is perfect, especially in the world we are living in now. No one deserves to be judged that way! Who are you to judge someone who has just as much a opinion and a say as you do? People like that are the exact reason why so many people hate the way they look or dress. Let me tell you something. You are perfect the way you are! That's so cliché to say but it's so true. You shouldn't try to change yourself for anyone else. Be you! And be happy about being you! If someone else doesn't like that it's probably because they have been judged themselves. Everyone has insecurities about themselves and its natural. Try to be the better person and stop judging each other! We are all on this earth going through the same things. Just get along for Christ sake! 
          I'm so fucking done with people!