
III. crystal_ball. Hey, If you're seeing this it means that the witches' letters have arrived at your doorstep so take some moments out of your busy life to read this letter from our witches. : O → . ✩. You are probably seeing this letter because you're a writer who loves to create a world of your own. If you are, then you probably have the need to improve and discover more about yourself; if these are the case, then here's our review shop by The Phantom Community. (*) ▼. +. Our lovely witches are awaiting your arrival at the shop as they have pleasant packages for you, if you would love to see these packages then visit our review shop. Have a great day. . ♪.


          I'm a new writer. Can you Read my story and gimme some  feedback .


Hit me up anytime


Greetings to the gleaming faces of the bright future! 
          We are at your doors with good news full of opportunities and fun. 
          We have decided to spread the boundaries of our empire and merge two communities into one bar, thus inviting more people into this and becoming a forever part of the journey. 
          We bring you The Cataclysmic Bar, a fusion of royalties of the empire Cintra and a nightclub filled with extravagantly talented people. 
          We blissfully welcome you all to the 
          refreshed fusion of Cintra Community and Phoenix Labels into The Cataclysmic Bar.
          As we had said earlier, too, we believe in perfection with eloquence, which is not possible without mass participation.
          Do partake in our journey and live life emerged in entertainment.
          - Cataclysmic :: Royalty of the night begins.


III. crystal_ball. Hey, If you're seeing this it means that the witches' letters have arrived at your doorstep so take some moments out of your busy life to read this letter from our witches. : O → . ✩. You are probably seeing this letter because you're a writer who loves to create a world of your own. If you are, then you probably have the need to improve and discover more about yourself; if these are the case, then here's our review shop by The Phantom Community. (*) ▼. +. Our lovely witches are awaiting your arrival at the shop as they have pleasant packages for you, if you would love to see these packages then visit our review shop. Have a great day. . ♪.


Hey! If you are a sucker of stories which are focused on romcom, fluff and spice of mature content.... A wholesome ride. Then this is it. Do give my works a chance and I bet, you won't regret reading them. 
          Can be read as general fiction too.