You're probably wondering, and rightfully so, where the November edition to the magazine is.
Because Mysty is taking some time out to rest, he has been unable to help me in editing the fan fiction material. He's unsure he'll be able to continue helping, at all, and I cannot blame him. He's very busy!
That being said, I don't want to release any story that hasn't been edited by Mysty, for the simple reason that each of our works to date has been edited and honed to be almost as well written as the actual stories. I have no wish to put that onus onto our fan fic writers--to write as well as Mysty without his editing.
And with THAT being said, the magazine will continue, but probably next year with a bit of a re-design. We probably will focus on articles, interviews, and contests. We probably will no longer carry fan fiction.
We will see, though. Anything is possible. In any case, thank you for your readership! We hope to return stronger.