
Happy New Year!! 


Not sure if there are any 1D fans still here or not but ever since I heard of Liam’s death last night my heart has been a just a little bit heavier and my mind more busier. It still feels extremely unreal to me as I’m sure it does to so many others as well. Sending my most genuine love, thoughts, prayers, and my sincerest condolences to his family, friends, and fans. 
          It’s truly, truly heartbreaking and I hope we all learn to be just a little more kinder to people. 
          You NEVER know what someone is going through or what kind of demons they may be fighting alone. 
          Please please be kind to others and to yourself. 
          Reach out if you need help. 
          And don’t give up on a better day. <3 


Can’t believe I actually posted something after all this time… please check it out if you have the chance and let me know what you think please!! Thank you to all who have read my stories so far! I hope you give this one a chance! <3


Been WAYYY tooo long and I PROMISEEEE I will try my best to make the wait worth it… 
          I’d like to think I’ve gotten better as a writer (just a little bit) and have SOOOO many new ideas for new stories that will hopefully be up soon as well as updates for my stories I already have up. 
          Thank you soooo much for those of you who still read my stories and stayed. It means way more than you could ever imagine and I promise to try my best to make it up to y’all. <3