
Hi everyone! So a few years ago I got a new phone and forgot the password to this account so I made a new account (which I forgot the password as well) I recently did get a new phone and was finally able to get back to this one. I didn't have any stories on my other one which I'm happy about because then I would've lost all of that work. Anyways I just started writing again and posted my first chapter on my new story "Unique Eyes". If you are an anime fan I recommend watching Yona of The Dawn (Akatsuki No Yona) since the story I'm writing is based of that show/manga. I'm so hapo6 to be back on this account and hope everyone is doing well (≧∇≦)/


Hi everyone! So a few years ago I got a new phone and forgot the password to this account so I made a new account (which I forgot the password as well) I recently did get a new phone and was finally able to get back to this one. I didn't have any stories on my other one which I'm happy about because then I would've lost all of that work. Anyways I just started writing again and posted my first chapter on my new story "Unique Eyes". If you are an anime fan I recommend watching Yona of The Dawn (Akatsuki No Yona) since the story I'm writing is based of that show/manga. I'm so hapo6 to be back on this account and hope everyone is doing well (≧∇≦)/


Thank you so much for adding my book to your reading list! You made my day :)




@_GNAANG_  of course!  I love stories like these and I'm a big vkook shipper