
I took my drivers test today and I passed!! “Alexa Play Drivers License by Olivia Rodrigo❤️❤️❤️!!”


Happy New Year 2022 everyone I know this is late but I just wanted to come on here real quick and say thank you for being with me for 2021 which was a very tough year for me but all of your support and kind/ supportive messages  really helped me to get through it and I am very thankful for each and every one of you and I hope that if you had a good 2021 that you have a great 2022 and if you didn’t have that great of a 2021 that 2022 is better for you and doesn’t make you feel like last year did because you deserve it❤️❤️❤️!!!!!


Hello I’ve been gone 4 quite a while not that anyone would notice bc I don’t post often but I just wanted 2 let u know that I was in the hospital for 12 days (and was unconscious for 2 of them) Bc my headaches got so bad to the point that not even Excedrin was working anymore tho it worked 4 2 months straight and I almost died but thankfully I survived but was diagnosed with something called Hydrosyphilis which meant that my brain was drowning in CSF (sorry for the tmi) but basically bc of that my brain was under alot of pressure so that explained all of the pressure headaches that I was getting and  I’m lucky to be alive and I also had a condition called a broken heart which meant my heart was under alot of stress and skipped a beat which wasn’t good but I had some great doctors that saved my life I just ended up having to undergo surgery but I’ve been recovering at home surrounded by my family (and friends as well just not in person yet) and I was admitted out of the hospital 3 days before my 19th bday which was on the 16th but I’m finally home and I got a suitcase record player for my bday  I also am so happy to be able to see my cats as well cause they weren’t allowed in the hospital and I missed them very much I have a long recovery ahead of me but I am doing well and my surgery went great as well but anyways I’m probably boring all of you but I just wanted to say that I’m happy to still be here and that I am able to still read and talk to you guys as I really missed u guys and all of these amazing stories as I wasn’t able to read while I was in the hospital p.s. I also got the fault in our stars which is my absolute favorite book that’s not from wattpad that I’ve been asking for for years on end now as well anyways moral of the story (no pun intended) is to never take ur life for granted because u never know when something could happen and threaten it so always live ur life to the fullest and in the moment I love and missed you guys all so much❤️!!


@MythicalMelon no problem at all love <333


OK I literally just posted something on here and it disappeared but the reason why I posted what I posted also is gone so I am so confused my wattpad was being very weird send help I’m so confused but at the same time relieved but also all of this crap happened right after I finished reading painless which btw was amazing but now I’m even more broken cause I was sad before I decided to finish reading it so now I’m just worse and also my final driving lesson is tomorrow and I’m wicked nervous about it wish me luck also I wasn’t able to get Harry tickets and I even had early access to tickets end it was all I want for the past 3 years almost and now I feel empty and even more sad and depressed and Ive been having frequent anxiety attacks and I just don’t know what to do anymore this week has been absolutely horrible for me and my birthday is in 3 weeks and im not even excited for it:(


Hi tomorrow is my last chance at getting tickets to Harry’s concert and I literally have never wanted something so badly in my life And as it is are you finally got told oh my prom a couple days ago that one of my friends would like to go with me and that they’d  get the tickets they signed up for the pre-sale but we had no luck there but tomorrow is another chance so just please pray for me that I get the tickets Harry is one of the only reasons why I’m still here and it would mean the world to me if I can go with my friend right next to me because for some reason there’s a lot of seats that aren’t next to each other they’re separated But my mom actually gave me a price limit which is Big because my mom didn’t even want me to go so please pray for me that I get these tickets because I am very nervous and  I don’t even think I’m going to be able to sleep tonight and also tomorrow’s the 23rd and I have a driving lesson an hour after the tickets go on sale so this is very stressful for me wish me luck I thought that last year when I wasn’t able to get tickets that it was hopeless altogether and this 2nd and 3rd chance has to mean something it had to be for a reason❤️!!
          Anyways I hope that you are all doing well and are having a wonderful day or night❤️!!


are you the same mythicalmelon from stan twitter??? cuz i certainly know you!!!


@Littlethinker25  Sorry I didn’t respond earlier but I hope u had a happy 23rd and thank you❤️!!


@Littlethinker25 hiiiiii yes I am I saw u on something on here and I was like cool also hiiiiiii


Hi guys I know I haven’t posted in a while on here and I mean I don’t write books but I do like talking to all u amazing people and talented  authors but anyways I have my first driving lesson in less than 30 minutes and I’m kind of having a panic attack because I’m just constantly a big ball of stress anyways so this isn’t some thing that’s nice to be sitting and doing nothing waiting for because my mind Likes to run a lot and think about bad things that could happen because I actually woke up wicked early today with another panic attack but then I went to a breakfast place that I haven’t been to in a long time that I really like so that made me happy for a bit but now I’m back to being stressed just please wish me luck my mom says I’m going to do fine but my low self-esteem and major anxiety does not allow me to think that I will But anyways I hope all of your having a nice day or night I love you all❤️!!


@MythicalMelon I've tried driving just a couple times and I was horrible hahah


@theblueandgreenworld  Also my driving lesson went well I just need to work on easing on the brakes more cause I was braking a little hard today and I need to work on my nerves as well but over all I did well my instructor said


I just passed my permit test and it’s like a giant weight has been lifted off of my shoulders!!