Replies will be sent out this Saturday and Sunday. I apologize for my disappearances lately. I sent a few replies to people and have been informed that the messages haven’t went through. I’m currently working on remaking those since they wasn’t very long in the first place so this may be a blessing in disguise for you guys. You’ll be receiving a better reply than previously thought, lol. I’m sorry that it is taking me so long to get these replies out. I was in the ER a week ago with a kidney infection and between the infection and antibiotics I was not feeling very well at all. I’m over the infection (I think) but I have antibiotics to finish and those suck, not to mention the week worth of work that I have to catch up on after being out. Hopefully I will be all caught up by this weekend. I got some good news though! I’ll have the whole week of thanksgiving off so you can expect some pretty frequent replies within that week. I’ll try to make up for my absence during thanksgiving, lol. May have 2 weeks off for Christmas as well. If not 2 weeks then I will at least have 10 days off. Fingers crossed it’s 2 weeks though. Anyway, I’ll quick wasting your time. Thanks for reading and I hope you all have a wonderful week! I look forward to continuing our roleplays.
- sincerely, Mythical Novels