I made a discord server for therians! If you’re interested feel free to join it!! Link: https://discord.gg/mSDnggxM
Reading Lists
I made a discord server for therians! If you’re interested feel free to join it!! Link: https://discord.gg/mSDnggxM
I made a discord server for therians! If you’re interested feel free to join it!! Link: https://discord.gg/mSDnggxM
⚠️IMPORTANT PLEASE READ⚠️ Guys. Depending on how today guys, I would like to say goodbye. I am not dying, nor do i plan to for awhile, but stuff in my life might drastically change later today. And that stuff might prevent me from ever using this account again. So i'd like to think you guys. Ive been in this community since 2020. Since i was in 8th grade. and now i'm a senior. So thank you guys, for everything. This has been some of the best years of my life and ill never forget it. I might not be that big of a member in this community but ive tried to leave a positive impact. And i think i did! I hope you guys enjoyed everything ive done and im thankful for the few friends ive made. Even if i never talked to you, or you don't even know me, thank you! Hopefully we can all meet again <3333 Blaze is out!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Heads up: i’m not gonna be able to update for a while. Long story short stuff happened. Can’t really say what due to privacy reasons
?????YALLL HELPPPL ONE OF MY FRIENDS JUST BASICALLY ASKED IF I WANTED TO GO TO HOMECOMING WITH HIM HAHSHSHSHANAHAHHAHA HE ASKED IF I WAS GOING TO HOMECOMING BUT HE WAS TEXTING SO DIFFERENTLY THAN HE USUALLY DOES AND I SAID yeah and than asked if he wanted to go together and he agreed???? This friend never does school stuff or really much. I only ever see him at school but were really close and i don’t know how to react cause i’m pretty sure he was gonna ask if i wanted to go to homecoming with him but instead i asked him and now i feel bad because if it was him asking me out i kinda ruined it for him but at thr same time he might have not but now i’m panicking cause i see him tommorow and ngl i wouldn’t mind dating him he’s really cool and sweet but idk if he was going to ask me out cause bro never texts the way he did when he was asking me like bro always calls me bro or dude or something not my actual name not even irl and i’m so confused aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I just got off work and thanks to my work i now have one of the best conversations starters you will ever here
hello! it's incredible to see magical girls here that are still active haha. i don't remember much from last year, but i believe your magical girl book was what first inspired me to become a magical girl! so, thank you so much for that.
@thelawofcycles i just noticed i sent this message at 1:11 pm in my timezone... nice!
Hey guys. I'm back for however long it takes me to write this rant- So. Today's rant is about a teacher from my school. For privacy reasons we're going to call her Ms.Asshol- I MEAN- Ms.A. Long story short. Ms.A is a bitch- I don't have her as my teacher (thank god) but she is (or was) my robotics coach. So Ms. A is a old lady with a thick accent and she teaches mainly Chemistry. I'll be honest about her. Last year she was great. As my robotics coach. She actually was the worst teacher. From what I've heard is that she didn't actually teach. She would just go on long lectures (often lectures weren't even about chemistry) then give students homework which would take her forever to grade. Then on the tests nearly everyone would fail since they have no idea what to do and the wording of the test was absolutely awful. Like- it's so bad to the point where my chemistry teacher has multiple of Ms. A's students come to her class to help them understand what they're supposed to be doing. And oh boy- apparently it's even worse this year- from what I've heard she's been yelling and writing kids up for no reason (one kid got wrote up for getting up to throw stuff away). They're is a entire group of people trying to get the principal to fire her- and I've been helping them. Like- me and a friend are trying to get people to record her so we can show the principal cause apparently we need "proof" of what's she is doing despite the amount of students who have already reported her- I've even been trying to record her. I walk near her classroom so I've just been setting my phone onto record in case she calls me over to talk to her. Now why would she want to talk to me? Well- in short- I quit robotics. My other friend who is in robotics (not the friend helping us get her fired) was supposed to tell the other robotics coach that I quit. So I'm pretty sure Ms.A is pretty pissed off at me. Now more onto the why I hate her. Besides her being a terrible teacher
In all honesty. I am torn on uff I want her to get fired or not. Like- she's a shitty teacher and coach. But she's also an old lady who should honestly be retired by now. Like- if she gets fired I don't want to be the reason why. But I also wouldn't miss her. I am also trying to get footage of her to show the principal- I am very conflicted on my feelings towards her if you couldn't tell. Like- she used to be nice. But not anymore. I am very curious to see if anyone will actually get footage of her though- also of that will even be enough. My school district like many others lack teachers- that's honestly probably the only reason she got hired- so I wonder if the school district would easily let her go? It would be beneficial to the overall school. Absolutely no one likes her. Multiple teachers are getting tired of her shit- like my other robotics coach has never said he hates Ms. A but you can definitely tell. I can guarantee you that he will be fine if she gets fired. Anyways- if anyone has any advice please tell me. It would be very much appreciated <333
G and I both hate ms. A (were also both friends with my friend from robotics). One of our bonding activities is just- ranting about Ms. A- she's had her as a teacher before. I remember this one time (like a month ago-) I was walking to my car when out of nowhere I just see Ms.A out of the corner of my eye. This was like a week or so after quitting robotics. And at the time I didn't actually talk to Ms. A about it- (and still hasn't) so I kind of just- ran to my car- I immediately called G while driving away (cause Ms. A is one of the people who will bang on your window to get your attention). It was absolutely horrifying- I still have no idea if Ms. A even saw me- I really hope she didn't. There was another time when me and G were talking during passing period. Both me and G's class are near Ms.A's class. We were trash talking her- when all of a sudden we both see her in her classroom- G didn't realize her classroom was right there and she was talking loudly. It was really funny but I also hope Ms. A didn't hear us. Finally story time is when I was walking to my class which is right next to Ms. A's class. Ms. A called me over and being the good kid I am walked over. She asked me where I have been and why I haven't been showing up to practice. I tell her the same thing for the 100th time "I have drama rehearsal and family issues" she doesn't CARE- she then asks why I haven't been answering her emails. My genuine response at the time was "I was supposed to?". The emails she was sending was just reminders- how do I respond to that-??? One of Ms. A's students came up and said "You never respond to ours!" Like- Ms. A is a fucking hypocrite- she expects you to respond to her emails but it's fine when she doesn't do the same for you-??? She proceeded to get pissed off at the student. But honestly. She deserved it. It's a shame no one was recording at the time. That would have been enough proof to get her fired.
Like I said before she's my robotics coach. I'll be honest robotics last year was really fun. But this year not so much. Last year it was more about us learning and having a good time. This year it's more about us winning... Which nothing wrong with that. But I'm here to have fun. Not compete. And hey, I like to compete. But Ms. A gets really mad when we loss... Which hey- fair- but like- why? It's just a high school robotics competition. It's not the end of the world if we lose or not. Another thing I hated about doing robotics with her was that she would get pissed off if we didn't show up for practice yet she rarely ever showed up- I even told her multiple times "I have drama rehearsals, I have family stuff going on" she doesn't care. I remember one time me and the friend I do robotics with went to robotics to turn something in. We decided that if she showed up we would stay but if she didn't we would leave for that day (we both had to be home early anyways) she wasn't there by like 3:30 (my school gets out at 3:05) so we turned the thing into the other robotics coach. While we were leaving we ran into Ms. A who was finally hearing down to the room we have robotics in. She stopped us and proceeded to yell at us for ditching robotics. Me and my friend are both those quiet, awkward, kids. Both of which are the "teachers pet" and never talk back. But at that moment I couldn't take her shit- I politely told her to go fuck herself and leave us alone. She stormed of and another girl (this happened in the cafeteria and there were still people around) came up to us and basically asked what happened. I explained to her and she told us about how her and others were trying to get her fired. Long story short me and my robotics friend left school trying to figure out a somewhat plan on how to actually get her fired. Next few interactions I share with Ms. A is going to involve a different friend so I'm just gonna call this friend G for simplicity.
Guys help- Ok so- i am lowkey panicking rn. Long story short for the fall play at my school i am apart of the ensemble HOWEVER- one of the main characters might not be able to preform anymore due to sickness. Sooo today during rehearsal my director asked if i could just act in as this character today. Later while i was asking for blocking and stuff before rehearsal he said “If (person) isn’t able to come you will be (character). But don’t stress out about it.” I AM VERY MUCH STRESSING OUT- OUR PERFORMANCE IS THIS WEEKEND SO IIF I DO HAVE TO FILL IN FOR THEM I ONLY HAVE TWO DAY (our first performance is friday) TO LEARN ALL THE LINES AND BLOCKING- To make it even worse i asked that one online tarot card if they would be back and better and able to preform. IT SAID NO. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- GUYS HELP HOW DO I MEMORIZE ABOUT 50 LINES IN JUST TWO DAYS?????
New book :)) It’s some headcannons, Fanart, and one-shots of fandoms im in
it's the middle of the night and I was thinking about this so I might as well right it down. I think would be considered a rant so prepare for lots of words. Long story short I was in bed not being able to sleep when I started to think. I was mainly thinking about this one time I was with a friend (In most my books her nickname is J so I'm just gonna use J for her) that friend being J. Now I don't know if you guys know this but I am a poc. If you were to just look at me you could probably guess I am mixed (But some people have thought I was Indian before) anyways I was thinking about this one time I was with her and my mom. So before this just me and J went to a ice skating rink. The ice skating rink had a arcade in it so us being us we mainly played at the arcade (Mini story time but a few days ago me and her went bowling with our families and they had some claw machines in the back of the building. My mom gave us 5 dollars to play whatever game you want. Me and my sister both thought it would be best to use it on one of those candy ones since you're practically guaranteed at least one piece of candy *clears throat* THIS BITCH- THOUGHT IT WOULD BE BETTER TO USE THE ENTIRE FIVE DOLLARS ON A SQUISH MELLOW CLAW MACHINES INSTEAD. WE EVEN TOLD HER AFTER USING 2 DOLLARS "HEY STOP THIS THING IS CLEAR RIGGED STOP WASTING THE MONEY" THIS BITCH (the bitch being J) DIDN'T CAUSE SHE THOUGHT IT WASN'T RIGGGED AND SHE WOULD GET IT EVENTUALLY. She did in fact not get it) anyways back to the main story. We got lots of points and decided to use them all on those one candy's that are just sticks with sugar inside. Later my mom came and picked us up. While driving home we stopped at a gas station to get gas and some drinks. Me and J went in my mom was still outside getting gas. We were laughing cause of how much candy we had gotten. Anyways my mom came in the store and while we were leaving J turned around and quickly turned around and showed the cashier the candy.
That was a really long rant. I forgot to even mention the thing I was originally going to write about so I'll do it now rq. I don't like clone high. I have no idea if people will call that offensive or not. I have only seen edits and a short summary of the plot. And people hating on one of the characters design in the reboot. So as someone with limited knowledge of clone high I don't really like the concept of it. Idk guess I'm not a fan of having historical figures go to highschool in modern times (I think) bit like that's all I know about the plot so I might be wrong. Idk if that's a rare opinion or a common one. But something about having historical figures in a cartoon that is not educational (I think) just seems wrong. Again I know they are technically clones but as a history nerd it just seems kind of offensive. I can also be completely wrong. Idk I'll look at some reviews and stuff and see if my opinion changes any
Rant part 4 During this period I think I might have had anxiety. Unfortunately I was already so good at masking my feelings that I could have a panic attack right in front of J and as long as we weren't talking or she wasn't staring at me she would never know. And honestly us being at the same school was the best thing about that year. I made one other friend but we stopped talking. I also joined the art club. Although I only did that so I could be with J more. It was also the year I learned I really like civil engineering. And then 10th grade. Honestly the worst thing about 10th grade (other than being alone most the time) was drama. And that is only because my communication skills suck so the only friend I made was also on the same robotics team as me. I also made another friend. He is really cool so is my other friend. And next year they both said they might do drama with me!! Anyways I am now moving onto 11th grade. But I am not ready for the next time me J and C have a sleepover or just hang out. I have already mentioned the whole therapy thing but C has now made it a goal for at least on therapy session to focus on me. She mentioned this a few months ago when it was just her and me. She was driving me home and asked if I was okay. That did not go well. She could tell I was lying and pulled over. I eventually convinced her to let me go home and that next time we would talk. However next time she forgot. So last time we hanged out she attempted to have a therapy session but things quickly fell apart. Mainly cause we were outside, it was dark, and there were alot of fireflies. In other happier news I passed my driving test :))) Unfortunately it's going to take awhile to actually get my driver's license since I need to fill out paperwork I didn't even know existed until a few days ago.
Rant part 3 However recently C has been noticing that I'm acting different and has been trying to get it to me. But I am really good at deceiving and lying. Which I know exactly where I got that from. I have nothing better to do so imma tell you all. So I guess C has been right about me acting different. Usually I am the happy and cheerful one but recently I've just been failing to act like that. I blame elementary and middle school for making me act that way. So elementary school I was that one oblivious kid. I was also a nerd huge on space. I also really like unicorns. As the years went by that didn't really change except I started to like cats. Even when I felt different I didn't tell them. Why? I'm not sure why I started it. But I do know later on I didn't change cause that was who they knew me as. If I were to change would they still even like me? Anyways then middle school happened. I made a really good friend who I unfortunately never get to see anymore but we still text each other. Anyways I learned other people have problems so I have to help them. What about me? I can deal with myself later they are my friend so I care about them more. And then 7th grade *Dramatic sigh* 7th grade fucking sucked. For starters (trigger warning) 2 of my best friends wanted to die. I also joined the swimming team which was very traumatic. Looking back on it I think I might have been depressed. I was trying to make everything better and ignoring myself. And then COVID and two of my best friends left the school. And then 8th grade. That time was really sad at first. I was all by myself as most of my friends have left or where at different classes. But one of my friends had two classes with me. For whatever reason we didn't start to talk again until the final semester mainly cause of the way my school was due to COVID. 8th-7th grade was also the year I discovered subliminals and the mythical community. And then 9th grade. I went to the same school as J.
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