
'Cause the God of the mountains
          	Is the God of the valleys
          	And there's not a place
          	Your mercy and grace
          	Won't find me again
          	Oh there's nothing better than You
          	There's nothing better than You
          	Lord there's nothing
          	Nothing is better than you
          	-Graves Into Gardens, Brandon Lake + Elevation Worship


'Cause the God of the mountains
          Is the God of the valleys
          And there's not a place
          Your mercy and grace
          Won't find me again
          Oh there's nothing better than You
          There's nothing better than You
          Lord there's nothing
          Nothing is better than you
          -Graves Into Gardens, Brandon Lake + Elevation Worship


So I throw up my hands and praise You again and again
          Cuz all that I have is a hallelujah
          And I know it's not much but I've nothing else fit for a King
          Except for a heart singing hallelujah
          -Gratitude, Brandon Lake