@N3onSt0rm.... I am sorry that I don't write books anymore, but I now do YouTube.. Are you N3onSt0rm because you write books, or you write books because your N3onSt0rm?
Reading Lists
Update on my condition, I'm getting better. Think I'll be able to write again by tomorrow, so you all don't have to wait much longer
@N3onSt0rm Glad to know you're no longer feeling very sick anymore. Can't wait to see your stories updated again.
@N3onSt0rm.... I am sorry that I don't write books anymore, but I now do YouTube.. Are you N3onSt0rm because you write books, or you write books because your N3onSt0rm?
Update on my condition, I'm getting better. Think I'll be able to write again by tomorrow, so you all don't have to wait much longer
@N3onSt0rm Glad to know you're no longer feeling very sick anymore. Can't wait to see your stories updated again.
can you continue minecraft story mode male reader?
@michezacharias55 Not anytime soon, it's currently on hiatus due to me having no motivation currently to continue it
Hello good sir, but I have invite you to look at my new book
Fuck my life... Sickness got worse, I mostly won't be able to write until the end of February
@N3onSt0rm You should take a break, my friend. One should always rest to recover and continue.
@N3onSt0rm I hope you get better, please take a break from wattpad until you are better to avoid unnecessary stress my friend relax take a week off play some games hang out with some friends, I hope you do get better!
@N3onSt0rm get well soon brotha pay no attention to those who beg, for they have no other purpose in life focus on your recovery and idk what else to say so just don't die (unless it's being crushed with thighs because I'd say it's a fair trade-off)
OH! @N3onSt0rm I did something.... (Hint: book)
Y'know, life's hilarious asf I went a bit overboard with the women joke in my story and I get called a misogynist by someone with much more followers than I do who is ALSO the one who inspired me to make my own MD fanfic instead of being told to cool it with women joke Then, one of the author that I followed who has 3K followers just posted an announcement that he just made a fucked up dirty minded joke. And you wanna know what the joke he made is? "Cave divers...when they see a newborns vagina" LIKE WHAT THE FUCK!? I get called a misogynist because I repeated a joke too much (that I admit I shouldn't have repeated) when someone else made a worse joke Is this how you treat the people that got inspired by you THE0? You call them something they aren't because of their mistake instead of asking or telling them to stop whatever their mistake is, to help them see what they're doing is wrong? I accept being called an asshole because I know I can be one hell of an asshole at times, but a misogynist!? FUCK YOU, I just went overboard with the women joke because I thought my readers enjoy it and I didn't realize I was going too far! Not to mention, calling me THAT two days after my birthday and WHILE I am sick
@N3onSt0rm And if I was called that I would not care to me the these words that I am about to type lost all meaning Nazi, Racist, Bigot, Misogynist, Fascist, because these words have been used so much online for the past 4 years I see them now and say can you come up with something different and original, they, mean nothing to me I see it and move on, now that might not be the same for you but remember these are just words and if someone calls you them, then they most likely are not people you should bother with and not take seriously.
@N3onSt0rm Your not a misogynist at all, I am going to be honest and give some advice you do not got to follow it, if someone calls you racist misogynist, or a nazi or a joke tell them off in anyway you see fit, it is so funny in the early 2010's you had people cussing each other out on x box live and saying some messed up stuff but after a game is done the people just laugh and get along, in todays world say one wrong thing and your the bad guy, good thing is that is coming to a end but the point is never take someone's BS especially if they are a hypocrite, never take someone's BS. I will admit that just like you I to can be a asshole and downright jackasss especially when mad, and there is nothing wrong with that.
@BrianGeller At this point, I don't even know if I'm ok anymore... Writing and reading stories in wattpad is one of the reasons I still keep on going, so it kinda hits me real hard being called a misogynist
Damn, seeing a lot of lovely couples out there... Would be a shame if someone committed what Schlatt did in 1999
@N3onSt0rm did you know I used to play a game for every hit and run I get one point, and three point if I can knock of their shoes
I'm just gonna come out and say it To those who hasn't noticed or realized.... I confess that I am not a good person, there you go. No excuses, I can be quite the sarcastic asshole a lot of times... Truth is, on whatever platform you can find me in, you can see me being an asshole or trying to be good only to fall back to being an asshole A lot of people can be patient enough to kindly answer questions that has obvious answers, but me? Oh my patience are random, at some days it is high, a lot of other days it is barely there. So whenever someone asks a "stupid question", I would give them a sarcastic or rude answer I'll say I'm sorry for being born as an asshole, but I can't promise that I won't repeat acting like an asshole towards others. But I can say I'll try to be better, little by little although I am bound to make a LOT of mistakes in the progress Whether or not y'all would forgive me for being an asshole, it's up to you. I may be an asshole, but I ain't a self entitled son of a bitch... I know the things I did was wrong, so whether or not I deserve forgiveness is my followers' decision
@N3onSt0rm If someone is being stupid in your comments or says something that upsets or angers you then respond how you want, I am the same way, I can be asshole and jackass and have been with people when I get mad, you respond rudely to me good I respect it, I do not like it when people try to jump around there responses to avoid backlash from people someone pisses you off respond how you want if they can not handle that well to bad for them, do not feel bad about it.
When I recover from my sickness and able to write again, here's what you can expect to see in episode 4 Y/N : "You've seen a cowboy riding a robot dinosaur. Now get ready for a knight riding a robot horse with a machine on its head"
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