
Taking a mini break and just though to let you all know, make sure your staying safe and well alk my thoughts are with Corey's close friends and family
          	iv had some people message me amd otger people i have spoken to on Twitter or instagram saying was has the passing off a yotuber somebody u nevermet affecting you so much his friends and family probs feel worse and yes i get that but some people dont know how much of an impact some youtubers or singers have on there fans they help us they take us out of reality anyways thats all im gonna say as im gonna start myself off again 


Taking a mini break and just though to let you all know, make sure your staying safe and well alk my thoughts are with Corey's close friends and family
          iv had some people message me amd otger people i have spoken to on Twitter or instagram saying was has the passing off a yotuber somebody u nevermet affecting you so much his friends and family probs feel worse and yes i get that but some people dont know how much of an impact some youtubers or singers have on there fans they help us they take us out of reality anyways thats all im gonna say as im gonna start myself off again 


Oi oi people oh yeah dont have many followers but im one of those people who really dont care but just thought to let you know i am changing my username from why dont we fan to something else i do still love why dont we but new hope club have hit me to a point from when i met them and when i had a convo with them they were so nice and felt like i could be best friends with them so im changing my username and ill let you know what too in a bit xx


You know me as why_dont_we_fan19 but now you know me as NHC_coffee59 i was gonna put and 's after NHC but it wouldnt let me so it was gonna be NHC'S_coffee59 but it aint haha