this message may be offensive
I don't know why certain people think being mean is cute.. it's honestly not and it makes  yourself look like ignorant ass fools. People like them are so annoying to me, and it's insane how they try to pull the victim card as soon as someone like to confront them about their nasty ass attitudes.. Like there's no way..


this message may be offensive
I don't know why certain people think being mean is cute.. it's honestly not and it makes  yourself look like ignorant ass fools. People like them are so annoying to me, and it's insane how they try to pull the victim card as soon as someone like to confront them about their nasty ass attitudes.. Like there's no way..


Hey thank you for Following, if you ever get a chance I released my first novel just yesterday, I'm currently looking for feedback on this first arc and hope that you and I can become friends as I continue to familiarize myself with this landscape.
          Adversely if you have anything to direct me too as far as your own work I'd be happy to take a look.
          have an awesome day!


@Mogitin Sure! I will read it when I get a chance!!