I’m releasing three whole chapters of ‘Eclipse Skin’ tomorrow for Valentine’s Day and then finally the epilogue chapter later on! I hope you all enjoy it! ❤️


@CeCeDaDon95 Thank you love ❤️


I’m releasing three whole chapters of ‘Eclipse Skin’ tomorrow for Valentine’s Day and then finally the epilogue chapter later on! I hope you all enjoy it! ❤️


@CeCeDaDon95 Thank you love ❤️


Hi everyone! I’m having a few issues with updating my books, so I’m just going to continue writing as much as I can and then I’m going to do a bulk update for the following books:
          Eclipse Skin
          A love like the stars in the sky
          Sweet Tooth. 
          Please stay patient while the Wattpad team does their thing and I will be with you when I can! Thank you ❤️


We appreciate you 


Hi everyone! I’m gonna try and finish ‘Eclipse Skin’ and ‘Sweet Tooth’ by the end of January 2025! Thank you all for your kindness and your patience! 
          And if I don’t get the chance to say it, Happy New Year! Be safe and keep reading! ❤️


@AthenaOwl87 Hi love! My app has been glitching for a hot minute and I’ve just been trying to get some correspondence on how to fix it so I can do a mass update 


@NJNJ14 hi I just wanted to ask if 'A Love Like The Stars In The Sky' was still being updated


First, I wanna say I've been reading your books since "As Black As It Gets" and I've loved every single one of them. I just checked "A Love Like The Stars In The Sky" and it says completed. i just wanted to ask if it is finished or if you are taking a break?


@AthenaOwl87 I have no clue why it says that, cause I didn’t put that up! Thank you for sharing that with me! I’ll see what I can do. ‘A Love Like The Stars In The Sky’ is very much ongoing!


I just finished “Violets are Blue” and baby girl!! I have to give you your flowers because that book was the best book I have ever read (and I read alot of books lmao) it touched me I even cried like a baby at the end  and that representation was everything! Please keep writing you have a God given gift and it is beautiful. Blessings to you sis ❤️


@itsyagirlteetee you have no idea what this did for my day. I really appreciate you and I hope you continue to read and enjoy my work. Thank you love ❤️