
School still sucks.
          	The only thing at keeps me away from school is anime.
          	I will post chapter 4 of Mario The Music Box soon, but I will kind of take the story into my own hands, instead of following the main plot of the game. I won't be doing the side Arc's, as that would just confuse you guys.


School still sucks.
          The only thing at keeps me away from school is anime.
          I will post chapter 4 of Mario The Music Box soon, but I will kind of take the story into my own hands, instead of following the main plot of the game. I won't be doing the side Arc's, as that would just confuse you guys.


thank you. i am starting to write a story based on a game called (Mario) The Music box. you probaly never heard of it, but it is basically Mario meets Corpse Party-with not that many people dying pretty much.


@Yoshimastr Those episodes were what i was writing off of


@Yoshimastr I saw a Youtuber, LuigikidGaming play that game. He 100%ed the game and found all of the endings.