Can u please do a luke imagine for me which is cute. The story is that the boys are on tour and that I find out that I am pregnant with our 5th baby but then I find out that they are twins. Halfway durring the tour I surprise Luke and tell him and Jai and Beau that I am pregnant and that the twins will be born on Luke and Jai's birthday. Then the boys come home and I go into labour and Luke makes it just in time and that Luke makes it on time. Flashfowars to the twins starting school and that they are so nervous for school and that in the morning Jai and Beau come around to say hi to the twins and Luke and Jai and Brau take them to school. Before the twins start school Luke makes them sit down and tells them that him and Jai are twins and tells them what being twins a like. Luke kisses me and hugs me alot during the story. The twins are Ashley and Lucy and Ashley has blue eyes and brown hair and Lucy has green eyes and brown hair. Please do this for me as a Luke imagine