
A few have send me some private messages, asking if I have a Tumblr. - I do not! But I have started to look into to it, just to post more of the random one-shots that runs through my mind. I haven't decided yet, if that is something I wish to do.


When r u updating Her fae his fairy?


            There is going to be no hardships between her and Feyre. Maybe a bit of tension in the beginning, but no actual bad feelings. ;)


@NS1108 hello  will feyre and her become good friends from this day one after that conversation  I just love them ?! 


@emrose0129 I'm hoping to post this weekend, but it depends on personal plans:) 


Hey, sorry for bothering, but I want to know how many years has been between the end of UTM and Aurelias return 


@Lucia_Valentinaa It's not a bother! A decade since the big war with Hybern, it was mentioned in the earlier chapters :) 


Hello I’m wondering when the actual fluff will come out and they begin to actually persue her ?!


@NS1108 yay omgg thank you  can’t wait for them to finally bond with her !! 


@RachelRamirez940 Hi! So the next chapter is Cassian and Aurelia, spending time together, and Cassian realising who she is today - in a very positive way. All three batboys will have a chapter like that. Like Cassian finally opens up to her. :) 
            Oh and I am posting on my old story today!


Sorry to ask  but I’m wondering how many chapters will this fic have somewhat?! 


@RachelRamirez940  I'm afraid the story won't be an actual short story around 10 chapters or so :) When I get a little more time on my hands, I have a break off next month, I hope to find the time to re-write some short stories. I have some around 800 words that are just random scenes, and I might make them a little longer and then post that. Perhabs that would be more up for what you wish for? <3


@NS1108  yes I was hoping for a short story with the new one if that’s okay !


@RachelRamirez940 Ohh, were you hoping for more of a short story with the new one? I haven't planned anything for a specific number regarding the number of chapters. 
            Trust me, I haven't forgotten it. I plan to finish it within the next 2 chapters, and I have re-written them several times. But trust me, you gave me the motivator to finish it.


Hello ..I have questions  .for now i understand how feyres hurt that he knew he was betrothed to Aurelia and he didn’t tell her but why does she care now it’s not like she has that love for him anymore ?! 
          And another thing is cassian not with nesta here   Is Lucian with Elain  and I hope it’s not too much of a slow burn bc not to be rude bc I sometimes hate when ppl write the MC clueless or when it’s too much a slow burn I feel like after a while u get uninterested just my opinion ..


@RachelRamirez940 I have pre-written the next four chapters, which are ready to be posted. There will only be a short interaction with Cassian, but otherwise, quite a few glimpse into their shared past instead. The chapter that I have half written so far, I plan to make their first official talk all three batboys and reader. From there, I hope to do chapters mainly filled with interactions between them or a glimpse of more intimate moments of the past building upon realisation of attraction/feelings that might always have been there. 


@NS1108 yes how long will we see them start to talk and develop feelings etc  ..all I hope is that we don’t have to deal with feyre hating wise and stuff uk 


I have promised a dutifully reader, that it would not be a big angst/save the world story, but more of a romance compared to my other!


The way my feet kick when reading the sweet moments between the two love bugs 


@NS1108 just on this description u gave me i understand a bit more so thank you  i can’t wait for more chapters ! 


@RachelRamirez940 Girl, you are more than welcome to ask away! It totally makes sense to ask since so little has been revealed. :)
            Now: Basically, I wanted her powers to be tied to the moon, pretty much like Helion's are to the sun. I thought I would be perfect for the future mate for the Batboys. Lords of the night, and the lady of the moon.
            Once, I had a discussion with a reader in the comments, talking about making her a bit "Luna Lovegood." In that, I decided it could be cool for her to see spirits and it being tied to her father's home court, Dusk. It will be briefly explained in the upcoming chapters, but the one I am writing rn actually explains it more deeply.
            Hope it helps, and I would love to get your thoughts on it! 


@NS1108 hey girl for your new sorry I already love it but I’m kinda confused lmao like who exactly is she supposed to be like power wise are they all fae ? If u can clarify that then that would save me the confusion 


I absolutely love your stories, they’re amazing, are you going to update His Light soon!!? 


@ writingfromNic  Thanks you so much!! 
            Yes, actually, however, I haven't decided if I should rewrite/edit it (which is going to happen) or if I should just write the ending and then do the entire thing.
            But as I have pre-written some chapters for my other story, it was actually my plan to pick up His Light this upcoming week.


A few have send me some private messages, asking if I have a Tumblr. - I do not! But I have started to look into to it, just to post more of the random one-shots that runs through my mind. I haven't decided yet, if that is something I wish to do.