
Sad to say it, but Driving Life with a Lead Foot, along with the rest of the conjoined story, has been taken down. Not deleted, but retired. I apologize to any of whom it may concern. I look completely forward to my new book project, and I only ask for anyone who cares to wish me luck.


Sad to say it, but Driving Life with a Lead Foot, along with the rest of the conjoined story, has been taken down. Not deleted, but retired. I apologize to any of whom it may concern. I look completely forward to my new book project, and I only ask for anyone who cares to wish me luck.


   Sorry if you are really enjoying Driving Life with a Lead Foot, but life has gotten busy and I have my eyes set on a bigger goal: publishing a real book. I have an awesome idea, and some good literate skill, so I'm praying I can write professionally someday. 
             I love this story. I really do. I even have a bunch more of it written out on paper. I plan on rewriting the whole thing one day. But I'm officially going on an extended hiatus. The only thing that could drag me back is maybe a stupid amount of people demanding I continue. 
             And, if you're wondering, my new story will not be put on wattpad, although I can post updates. I seek to submit it to a publisher, a real full-blown story.
             I love you all, everyone who cared to look at my pride and joy. This is not the end. I'll be back. As always, stay cool everyone, and brohoof! Au revoir!


Woo! Chapter 2 of Never Stop driving is out, and in we enter the new villain. I can't say any more, just read it! Also, enjoy enhanced word choice and description in the race scenes! This will also be used in republishing the first book.


Hey guys! How is everyone? A few things I want to address: First off, I am very sorry that Chapter 2 of DLwaLF Book 2 is not out. I actually have the next three chapters written out in paper, but I never have time to type it up. I will type it as soon as possiblie, I promise!
          Also, my YouTube channel is now booming with videos! Now that I have a Twitch, I can record (And then Export) new YouTube vids with ease! Check them out, I have a lot of stuff! My website has a basic list of things I am able to record, and I will be playing Halo Wars, as well as Left 4 Dead 2, due to the new back compat update! See you guys there!