Everyone!! Hope you all are doing well out there! I uploaded a video of my ZenNezu (Zenitsu and Nezuko {Demon slayer} art ! Let me know your thoughts about how it turned out! Lots of love!
Everyone!! Hope you all are doing well out there! I uploaded a video of my ZenNezu (Zenitsu and Nezuko {Demon slayer} art ! Let me know your thoughts about how it turned out! Lots of love!
"Stop shrinking yourself to places you have outgrown."
“Don’t ignore your own potential. You can do it !”
Hey there ! You are strong and courageous and you can do it =)
Love yourself ❤️
Stay safe and smiling ❤️
Hiiiiii !!!!
“Don’t stop shining just because someone is intimidated by your light.” ❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✳❤❤✴❤❤✳❤❤✳❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✳❤❤✴❤❤✳❤❤✳❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴❤❤✴
Do smile and shine =)
Take care ❤
A star has 5 ends. A square has 4 ends. A triangle has 3 ends. A line has 2 ends. But a circle of our friendship has no end. Send this to all your friends ( including me if i am one) if you get 5 back, you're a goodfriend. If you get 10, you're popular. If you get 15, DAMN I'M JEALOUS
love ya sis <333333333