I fricking lost all of my motivation with writing. I'm sorry for all of y'all who like reading my stories, but I think it's time for me to just stop writing. Whenever I think that a story of mine is good, somebody (IRL) always... and I mean.. ALWAYS say that I can do "better" when I use ALL of my creativity, author's grammar, and craft. So I'm sorry everyone... I think it's time for me to go. If I can finally make a story that I'll truely like aswell, I shall share...
          	Until next time...


@NTHZ_Neko Awwwwww sweetie. Dont give it up just because of what others say. I love you. I love your creativity. 


I fricking lost all of my motivation with writing. I'm sorry for all of y'all who like reading my stories, but I think it's time for me to just stop writing. Whenever I think that a story of mine is good, somebody (IRL) always... and I mean.. ALWAYS say that I can do "better" when I use ALL of my creativity, author's grammar, and craft. So I'm sorry everyone... I think it's time for me to go. If I can finally make a story that I'll truely like aswell, I shall share...
          Until next time...


@NTHZ_Neko Awwwwww sweetie. Dont give it up just because of what others say. I love you. I love your creativity. 


Hey everyone, Neko here! I wanted to tell everyone that has followed me that I have made a Dead By Daylight book. I really didn't put any thought into it and just typed it down. If you all have any ideas for me, that would be greatly appreciated! Usually I have to use a wiki for the perks and offerings I can use to not make my character to overpowered. I already have the "Whispers" perk and the "Ebony Memento Mori" offering. If anyone could give me 2 more perks and a hex, that would be very nice! Make sure not to make them to overpowered. For example an Insta down set or an impossible skill check. None of those! Thank you for all of your compliences.
          Your author-chan,


Sorry I haven't been making some notifications to you all, but I am quiting my Assassin Creed book. Sorry! I can't think of any ideas for it, so in it's place is going to be a creepypasta fanfic! I'm sorry for deleting the Assassin Creed one, but as you all know. I'll make up to it!