Thanks to all my new followers! Real life has taken over a little bit so I'm still catching up on notifications and trying to find the time to check out all the new stories! If you find a chance, to stop by my stories and if you like them, then (if you feel comfortable) leave a vote or comment as this will encourage me! On side note, I have a lot of stories swirling around my head at the moment some new while some are reminders of stories I wrote in my high school years. Debating on whether to post them too.... Hope you are all safe and well! In an hour the area I live in NZ will be back at level 2 (light restrictions) for a few days till they decide what to do about the covid-19 situation in Auckland (they'll be at level 3). Kia kaha, stand strong!

@NZFantasy Oh, sorry for the mix up! Well, I’m sorry to hear about that. In the US, some states are continuing to see a decline in cases and some are surging. A lot of places in my state are open again, we just need to wear face masks. Ugh, I can’t wait until all this over for good. Stay safe.

https://covid19.govt.nz/covid-19/restrictions/alert-system-overview/ a link for anyone interested on how our system works

@theinkslingerr it's actually a tightening on restrictions. We were at level one. There's been comfirmed cases of an Auckland family from an unknown source. By Friday we will see what will happen with the levels. NZ had been 109 days free I believe from community transmission. All our cases in last few months have been travellers coming home and they were all in managed isolation. It was a bubble due to pop. We still doing well for now