
Hi guys! 
          	So I'm writing a new story and this time I'm trying a new genre. I'll still be writing fanfiction though so don't worry :) I'm actually collaborating with my friend, @blackberry_08.
          	The title of the story is The Masquerade Ball. Do you guys have any ideas, thoughts or suggestion? If you do, please tell it to me. All ideas and suggestions are welcome :)


Hi guys! 
          So I'm writing a new story and this time I'm trying a new genre. I'll still be writing fanfiction though so don't worry :) I'm actually collaborating with my friend, @blackberry_08.
          The title of the story is The Masquerade Ball. Do you guys have any ideas, thoughts or suggestion? If you do, please tell it to me. All ideas and suggestions are welcome :)


Ohayo minna - san!!!~ 
          I might do some serious editing on some of my stories ✌ I might do it sometime this week if I have the time anddd I'm sorry if i'm not able to update that fast it's beacuse of school and the internet here sucks like big time T_T
          I hope that you guys would understand and i am really truly sorryyyy from the bottom of my heart.


I love your stories 
          FYI: I love puzzleshipping too and blindshipping


@LittleHowler yayyyyyy i lab ya too my tomodachiiiiiiii XD i shall update when i have the free time until then please waitttttt :^D


@N_Akinari03:I love your book "Will love conquer all" I don't like it,I LOVE it
            PLEASE UPDATE! :)


@LittleHowler yayyyyy puzzleshipping and blindshipping for the win  im not actually good in writing stories to be honest 