Hi, can i just say i really appreciate how you are still continuing to write NaLu, even though you're not as into it as you once were. (Well, that's what you said 2 years ago anyway) and i totally get it. I joined wattpad because of NaLu and i read your fanfics over the past few years. Now, i am not as into Fairytail or Nalu and have found other animes that I love. I have tried to write Nalu fics and it always ends up having 5-8 chapters (mostly unpublished) and then they stay like that for months on end. I've started writing again, on and off, when i have time. But i see you still writing, even though you said you were over Nalu a whole two years ago. I find that just really inspiring and amazing and i love your work to bits. Im so proud of you and im sure other readers are too. your work is the only nalu fics i can read without getting totally bored or dropping it nowadays. Im sorry i wrote like a whole essay lmao. well thanks for reading :) and happy (early) halloween (if you celebrate it) :)