Against the World will NOT be updated today due to my stupidity of literally forgetting half of the story and not remembering where I was going next. I’m going to comb through it this week and I’ll get back to it next week. Everything else will continue as planned

@NaLu911 It's all good, but can't wait to read it when you get back on track. (:

@Torikomix I do. For my actual published works. I did have a plan for Against the World, but as writers know, things change and characters come to life on the pages and do things that were never planned. That’s why novels aren’t published one chapter at a time and go through a series of editing and proofreading. The worst thing a writer can do is ignore the story that’s trying to come to life and stick to a “plan” that doesn’t work anymore. My “planned” story should have ended 12 chapters ago with literally everyone dying. It will be out next week. Thanks.