
Hola!. Just wanted to let you know that I am alive


Hola! So yesterday was the 20 year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks and at first, I didn't understand until I watched a video that explained it. I thanked God that it was in America and not here. 
          I  went to tell my mom about it and she told me that on the same day a bomb was planted close to her office and they all ran. Also not too long later, bombs started exploding in military bases close to her. I wasn't born then and it was only my parents and brother that was alive then and I just wonder now. 
          What would have happened if my mom's office wasn't notified on time and she didn't make it. I wouldn't be alive today and neither would my sister. I wouldn't have met amazing people both here and in every other place.
          A lot of people died in those days. 2977 in America and over 100 in Nigeria. Loved ones were lost.  Children were left orphaned, men and women were left widowed and parents were left childless. 
          Take a minute to hug your loved ones a little tighter and remind them about how much you love them. No matter how much they annoy you. 
          I'm grateful to God for my parent's lives, I do not take it for granted and neither should you.


Longest I've ever written here.


Happy Birthday to me!!!!


@Fikeyowa thank you!!❤️


Do you think Christianity is a prison. Give a.reason for your answer


Not at all. Christianity is a religion that preaches peace and freedom from sin and oppressors. Anyone who is a Christian is privileged to live freely in Christ. Moreover, Christianity doesn't force people into the religion unlike some other religions.


Today. Someone asked me how I could deal with Christianity. I was confused and the person said Christianity is a prison. There are.too.many rules and we can't live our lives fully. 
          My answer was"Jesus has.made me the happiest I have ever been in my life and I don't regret following him. Christianity is not a prison. It's a lifestyle and no one is forcing me to live the way I do".
          It to think that there are.people out there.who don't want to give their life to Jesus because they think it's a prison. It's not. How you choose to live as a Christian is your choice just.stand by the word of God.


@Na_yo_meeee what!! That's serious.