
I started writing my book in 2022 when I was on my parental leave with my second daughter. Some periods I write more and others less. But as soon as I hear a song or see a film that inspires me, I think about how much I want to write.
          	Right now I'm a bit stuck because I really want to get to the plot of the first Avengers movie to take a springboard from there into my own version. But it sometimes feels a long way from there. However, the recent incredible response to the story has given me such a rekindling so I just want to give you more more more. I appreciate you so much. You who vote, you who comment, follow me and you who save the book. Thank you for showing interest and igniting my own.❤️ Much love.


I started writing my book in 2022 when I was on my parental leave with my second daughter. Some periods I write more and others less. But as soon as I hear a song or see a film that inspires me, I think about how much I want to write.
          Right now I'm a bit stuck because I really want to get to the plot of the first Avengers movie to take a springboard from there into my own version. But it sometimes feels a long way from there. However, the recent incredible response to the story has given me such a rekindling so I just want to give you more more more. I appreciate you so much. You who vote, you who comment, follow me and you who save the book. Thank you for showing interest and igniting my own.❤️ Much love.


HEEEEY! I'm so excited to finally be publishing the chapter I have been waiting for to write. This is were my story will truly begin. Were the plot of the book really takes off.
          I'm sorry for the long wait. But I'm back and hopefully my writers block has left the building for a while!
          Thank you for still voting and giving my book some love while I've been gone. I appreciate you all so much! 


I released chapter 17 today and I'm already halfway through chapter 18! I actually think that the chapter I'm writing right now could possibly be my favourite chapter yet. But this is the calm before the storm. Hope you all have had a great week, have you celebrated Halloween? 


Good news!!!
          Hopefully the next chapter of Infatuation of the mind will be up today! Had to delete EVERYTHING that I had written and start from scratch. But now I have almost 2000 words written and I know the outcome of this chapter. Finally! 


I'm writing the next chapter as we speak. This last week I've suffered from a writers block. Mostly due to my daughters starting pre-school, so my focus has been on that. But also, I have begun to write an original story. My own storyline and my own original characters through and through. I've not decided yet if I should publish each chapter her or write the book from start to finish and then publish it though. 
          But, if you're waiting for the next chapter of Infatuation of the mind, I hope to have the next chapter up by sunday at the latest!
          Have a great weekend!


Lets start this week with a new chapter. Here's a little sneak peak! 
          "Loki..." you clasped the front of your sheer nightgown. The fabric was soaked with sweat but you didn't care, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry..." there was no use in trying to hold your tears back. 
          He pulled you close to his chest, resting his chin atop of your head. Du-dunk, du-dunk, du-dunk. The sound of his heart cradled you into some sort of calm.
          "Whatever you saw, whatever happened. It was a nightmare, dove!", he kissed your hair.
          You told him about the dream between sobs and he never loosened his grip on you. He held you tight and kept planting kisses on your head. 
          "He's dead, he can't hurt you."
          Don't forget to vote and comment! 


New chapter is up! I really wanted to upload it tonight because I'm surprising my husband this weekend so I won't have time to do it then. I shall proofread it in an hour or so! But in this chapter I added a little bit of spice.
          I wish you all a great weekend! 


Sneak peak from the next chapter of Infatuation of the mind! 
          "Loki knew that he probably shouldn't do it, but he sure did have the audacity. He focused his mind on Tyrvi's and began picking at it, one memory at the time. She probably wouldn't even notice, her tears were already making her head pulsate. 
          It was slightly more complicated reading someone's mind without some kind of physical connection. But he was close enough for her mind to let him slip through the barrier.
          The first second after stepping over the threshold was always the most draining stage. A tsunami of memories rushing towards him, and he had to sort out which ones that were of any interest to him. He knew what he wanted to see, he wanted to see you."


My oldest daughter has become obsessed with Spider-man. She loves watching Spidey and his amazing friends and the old Spider-man cartoon. Also the cartoon versions of Avengers. She's three years old  the other day I let her watch the end of the first Avengers movie. She cried out "mummy, mummy! It's Captain America, aaaaw he's so CUTE!" or as she says "Captuun Amurrica!"  I'm just happy that I have someone to watch the movies with in the future