Hai Naura, rindu! You must be busy right now! Dah mula dihantar untuk penempatan ke belum tu wahai doktor? Hehehehehehe! Hopefully you are in a good conditions and health, In Shaa Allah!
Reading Lists
Phew akhirnya berjaya login after multiple failed attempt. Sampai kena reset password la. Lepastu email pulak email yg mmg khas sign up utm account wattpad ni saje. Berpeluh sis
@Naauraa hahaha tahniah naura. Aku pun hari tu seminggu weh tak boleh nak login wattpad ni. XD
Hai Naura, rindu! You must be busy right now! Dah mula dihantar untuk penempatan ke belum tu wahai doktor? Hehehehehehe! Hopefully you are in a good conditions and health, In Shaa Allah!
Phew akhirnya berjaya login after multiple failed attempt. Sampai kena reset password la. Lepastu email pulak email yg mmg khas sign up utm account wattpad ni saje. Berpeluh sis
@Naauraa hahaha tahniah naura. Aku pun hari tu seminggu weh tak boleh nak login wattpad ni. XD
"Taknak baca just fuck off je" is that how you answer questions from your readers? Rude as hell. Today you lost one follower and one reader. It is your lost.
@Naauraa aku geram. Tanya soalan tak berjawab. Bila kita point out silap dia, tegangkan benang yg basah pulak. Ape benda lq rasa entitled. Padahal publish work je pon haha
@Naauraa kecik hati aku kalau writer tu reply gitu hmmm siot je, orang tanya elok-elok takleh agaknya nak jawab bebaik. Huhu
Kenapa masuk notification tapi hakikatnya takde udpates on anything. Kenapa?
Just published new work. RAW. As in rawrrrr. Oh lame
Hello 2020!
I am going through something very difficult so here I am again, writing for the peace of mind.
It's never too late to wish selamat hari raya isn't?
I miss writing and I miss you.
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