
Hey für alle die auf mein Account stoßen :
          	Instagram: nabiie_yuwon
          	TikTok: nabiie_yuwon
          	Snap: nabiie_yuwon
          	thank you all ♡


Hey there,
          I just wanted to take a moment to remind you of something incredibly important—you are amazing. Even if you don’t always see it, even if the world feels heavy sometimes, your existence brings something special to this world that no one else ever could.
          Life isn’t always easy, and I know there might be days when you feel tired, unappreciated, or even invisible. But I need you to know this: you matter. Your thoughts, your feelings, your dreams—all of it is important. There is only one you in this entire universe, and that alone makes you extraordinary.
          If today feels hard, I hope you give yourself grace. If you feel alone, I hope you remember that there are people—maybe even strangers like me—who are silently rooting for you, who want you to find happiness, peace, and love.
          You are worthy of joy. You are capable of wonderful things. And no matter what, you deserve to wake up every day knowing that you are enough, just as you are.
          So smile today, even if just for a moment. Good things are coming your way—I truly believe that.
          Sending you warmth and light,
          A stranger who believes in you


Heyyy, dankeschön fürs Folgen!^^


@Sweeetiehoney ja freut mich ebenfalls <3


@Nabiie_yuwon_ Ohh, wie cool! Freut mich zu hören, dass du nochmal neu starten möchtest und mir auch vorher schon gefolgt hattest!<3


@Sweeetiehoney  gerne ... ich hatte dir über meinen alten ACC gefolgt ( Kimchicute2) und dann war  ich 2 Jahre nicht mehr aktiv und heute habe ich mir ein neuen Account gemacht um nochmal neu bei Wattpad zu starten :) <3