Occasionally writing about what comes to mind~
  • InscritJuly 29, 2020


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Nachtara_K Nachtara_K Oct 14, 2021 10:54AM
Why is it that when you're writing something, ideas for different stories pop up in your head? xD
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Histoires par Nachtara
Pokémon Narrated Colosseum par Nachtara_K
Pokémon Narrated Colosseum
A criminal organisation, called Team Snagem, has partnered up with Team Cipher, who have come up with a Shado...
ranking #1 dans la catégorie complot Voir tous les classements
Pokémon XD: Narrated Gale of Darkness par Nachtara_K
Pokémon XD: Narrated Gale of Darkn...
Returning to the Orre Region, 5 years after the events in Pokémon Colosseum, Cipher's back. Back to once agai...
ranking #788 dans la catégorie organization Voir tous les classements
Pokémon XD Special par Nachtara_K
Pokémon XD Special
Pokémon XD bonus chapter. Michael (16) hears about a rumour about Citadark Isle. People say they saw movement...
ranking #20 dans la catégorie suprize Voir tous les classements
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