
Hiya! I am writing my first book here on Wattpad and would really appreciate if you could take a look at the last chapter and provide me with some feedback so that I can better my writing and become a better author. ☺️ happy to do the same for you and who knows, maybe even become friends. 


Hey! I hope you don't mind me advertising my book on your board. I am currently rewriting it and would love for you to check it out if you are interested.  It is dark and twisted, but also romantic. Feel free to ignore this message if you are bothered by this. Thank you and stay safe! :)


          I hope advertising knows your page isn't rude or anything, im sorry if it is
          I was hoping you could check out my book I'm working on "Only Girl In The World"
          I'll appreciate it if you can but I'll totally understand if you can't.
          Have a great day!