
BACK ON WATTPAD (for the first time in forever) *starts singing like a lunatic*
          	That's right I'm back and I'm gonna start (hopefully) writing some almost non cringe worthy work! YAYYY Well thanks for those who have stuck around :) <3 -Nads


Hello would you mind checking out my book the Sisters?  Do read it's totally worthy... If you don't like it.. You can stop reading... Looking forward to read your books.. Lots of love 


@princess90998 I liked the title of your story just as beast... Looking forward to read it.. Do follow me if you like my stories


@princess90998 Sure! I can check it out! Thanks so much for the follow I greatly appreciate it. What led you to me? :)


I feel so.... blahhhh I have had my book trailer posted for like.. 5 days and no ones checked it out, zero, zilch, nada. Yeah but I will hopefully post some chapters soon but my friends aren't very active at the moment so it's hard to post OOTW when it's not written D: Thanks though for those of you who are reading this!


GUYS I AM SOO HAPPY! The Out of This World Book Trailer is finally out! I have been working on it for days and would love it if you checked it out, it's in the prologue and the A/N so pleaseee look at it and comment your thoughts (Rate it outta ten if you want). It would be awesome if you gave it a thumbs up on YouTube. Love you guys, baii! <3 ^.^