Book Three will be a prequel to "The Forgotten Ones"(Book One)! I know that all my readers will love it, thanks for the support! If you like my stories please make sure to leave a vote!
Book Three will be a prequel to "The Forgotten Ones"(Book One)! I know that all my readers will love it, thanks for the support! If you like my stories please make sure to leave a vote!
Please feel free to let me know of any errors or typos in my stories (comment them in the areas, or if you need clarification) I've been going back my self to get the correct info from my old story to make sure my new one makes sense and I've seen mistakes myself that I've gone in and fixed. Writing is not easy, especially when you have other things to do and it's not your full-time job. I couldn't imagine being an author.
I would like to add another section to my "The Forgotten Ones" series for a portrait, name, and maybe age for my main characters in each of the stories, which will take time, but I will only do it if my stories start to get more interactions, or I might just add it after I am done with the series. Check HERE for UPDATES!
I finished my first chapter story in about 10 days. My second on "My Life As Selena Lopez" is not in the same boat due to me starting college. I think I already have a third book in mind for my "The Forgotten Ones" series. I'll KEEP that in mind, but I really want to start a different story/ series. Let me know if you have suggestions!
I have completed my first Chapter story "The Forgotten Ones": 10,144 words the most was chapter 10 at (1,339) and the least was chapter 12 (397)! I hope you all enjoy my story and please leave me some recommendations for new ones. :) It took me TEN days to complete.
I believe that my story "The Forgotten Ones" is close to ending (2-3 more chapters or so). I have another story in mind that I may turn into a series because this was my first published story that has chapters, cliffhangers, and a little comedy and I don't think I will be able to let these characters go well not just yet. I know for a fact that I WILL be writing another book from Selena's point of view as an adult; I did put a lot of foreshadowing in "The Forgotten Ones" and times when Selena would speak to the audience and even question herself. She was not only telling the story but expressing how she feels/felt about the whole situation at particular moments and presently.
I'm about to start working on a new story brainstorming as you're reading this. Stay tuned!
Chapter 3 of "The Forgotten Ones" will be released/published tomorrow (1/11/24)
Selena finds the answers to her questions; there's a plot twist towards the end.