
Assalamualaikum! Hope you’re doing great InshaAllah ❤️JazakAllah khairun for reading my work “Her vocation” Hope you liked it? Will love to hear your thoughts on it InshaAllah ☺️❤️


JazakAllah khairun for such a beautiful review❤️May Allah Swt Bless you with His bounties always. Ameen☺️❤️❤️❤️


@alin958 walaikum assalam. Mashallah very nice story. I like the way it was depicted by you. I hoped that they ll live happily hereafter but the ending is just remarkable. I like the way they desperately loved each other at the end. I loved this story. I was unable to leave the story in between and after finishing the story I found my eyes wet. If they were happily lived for even sometimes den I might be satisfied but still this ending is much acceptable and appreciated.