Hey, sorry I haven't really been active at all for the last, well quite some time, but I have been going through some crap, family and otherwise, and I haven't had time to upload.
As of recently I have begun reworking most everything in the story and I am reducing it and breaking it up into more accessible parts. I've also realized that, if I wish to get published, publishing companies don't really like putting money behind massive books so breaking it up into a trilogy, I'd prefer not to but that's the way life seems to be.
I hope that you will continue to be patient and when I get more up and posted you will be willing to read and tell me what you think. I will try my best to get things working and get everything going as fast as I can, but no promises.
I wish you all the best and I hope that life is treating you all well. I probably will not be back on until the new year, at least that is when I wish to get things going better. If you have any suggestions for new stories for me to read though, please let me know.