
Good evening my lovelies I'm so so sorry that The third Winchester hasn't been updated. This year has been hard so my first thought isn't to update also I have been having serious writer's block with this story so for now, The Third Winchester will be put on hold. I want to take a step back from fanfictions and try my hand at writing and publishing my own original stories. Please know that The Third Winchester will come back at a later date once the writer's block for that story has cleared. Please and Thank You


Good evening my lovelies I'm so so sorry that The third Winchester hasn't been updated. This year has been hard so my first thought isn't to update also I have been having serious writer's block with this story so for now, The Third Winchester will be put on hold. I want to take a step back from fanfictions and try my hand at writing and publishing my own original stories. Please know that The Third Winchester will come back at a later date once the writer's block for that story has cleared. Please and Thank You


Good morning my Lovelies Three announcements! First I will be updating the Third Winchester soon I'm sorry I haven't done so in a while I got some serious writer's block for the last few months but hopefully, I will have something for you all soon! Second! I will be starting to write my own original stories along with writing fanfictions. Three! Because I will be writing an original story I need an editor who can read through and help me edit because sometimes editing gives me a headache and I tend to miss some things on my editing so if anyone is interested please message me and must have a Gmail meaning you have google docs. Please and thank you!!!!!


Hello, my lovelies just want to let you know that I have finally updated The third Winchester.  I'm so so so sorry for the long wait, but I do have a life and I do have a job so I can't always update when I want and need too. So because of that, I'm going to pick a specific day in which I update my stories and that day will be Saturday and if you're all lucky sometimes during the weekdays. Thank you all for all the support!!!


Good afternoon to all my followers! I have a request! And yes I will try to update Harry Winchester today and I'm teribly sorry I havent been able too have to work and what not. Now for my request I'm looking for one person who is willing to do book covers for me and another who is willing to edit my works. I would be forever greatful


To everyone who hasn't or is going to read The Third Winchester and hasn't gotten to my little announcement. The stories that are up and that I hace written so far are fanfiction. I repeat they are fanfiction. If you don't like it and prefer the actual book, manga, movie, and or anime it sucks to be you because I'm not the creator of the characters so take it up with the creators. I write fanfiction about my favorite characters and I use my own imagination. If you wish to read the actual story that creators themselves have written for the characters then please go buy the books at a bookstoor, on your Kindle or iPad, or even read it online I don't care, but do not tell me I need to get my facts straight on my story just because it doesn't match the actual story.  It's a fanfiction so get over yourselves please. There are many many people on here who write fanfiction and they don't all follow the original story. So when you come on wattpad and you pick a story please make sure to read the description to see if it's an original piece by the author if they have decided to wright a fanfiction before you insult them. 
          Thank you and have a lovely day. 


Hello eveyone. I know it has been a while and I know you all have your favorite stories that I have written, but some of those are being unpublished so I can go through them and they can be rewritten and edited. Not sure when that will be done especially sense I'm starting a brand new story that is not a fan fiction, but an original. Please stick with me and if it is at all possible I would like for someone to do some art work for me for my new story if your up for it please message me and I will let you know what the story is about thank you to everyone who has followed me and read my stories