
Well its been quite the while, huh? I started a new story a while back, taking a bit of a break from Seven souls, unsure if I would return to it, and honestly I really want to. Im going to be doing a lot of changes to it so I hope it doesn't spam anyone notifs? if anyone still follows it that is :,). As for my read for reads, I don't know for sure if I will have the time to follow them as I'm very busy as is so my apologies, none of you are required to read my own story anymore lol not that you would at this point since its been a long time. <3 thems the plans


Well its been quite the while, huh? I started a new story a while back, taking a bit of a break from Seven souls, unsure if I would return to it, and honestly I really want to. Im going to be doing a lot of changes to it so I hope it doesn't spam anyone notifs? if anyone still follows it that is :,). As for my read for reads, I don't know for sure if I will have the time to follow them as I'm very busy as is so my apologies, none of you are required to read my own story anymore lol not that you would at this point since its been a long time. <3 thems the plans


For the like two people who care, I’m going to be doing a lot of work on my story, like a LOT. 
          One of the main things I’m going to change is the map, when I made it I wasn’t thinking much about things. I just scribbled a land mass and started slapping down information and then I built around it. Now this isn’t necessarily my problem with it... what bothers me is that the main setting takes place in a white dominated society and the country’s and other continent I surrounded this one with are other races/ethnicities. The white dominated society is smack in the middle. I wouldn’t have thought anything of this but after some recent things that have happened in our world, it makes me uncomfortable to have whites in the center of my fictional world. It’s not inherently racist but if anyone perceived it as, I would be mortified. So I have to make a new map and go through my entire book and change things. 
          I’m also going to just be editing it and cleaning it up in the grammar and plot holes and stuff. 
          As for my read for reads, I’ll get to them eventually :,> stuff has been really busy for me and my mental health is declining and that’s something that is very important.
          If you’ve read this far, thank you! <33 


Doing my schoolwork online does indeed give me a lot more free time, but with circumstances as they are, finding the motivation to do things is very hard.
          Although I lucked out among my peers with the easy work load I’ve been given, my poor mental health is making it a struggle. I have decided that after school ends I will restart my read for reads and start writing my chapters ahead of posting dates. That will be after may 28th. I can’t say for sure that I’ll update regularly, but I will absolutely be doing read for reads again.


Chapter 33 is finally up, I said I’d post it yesterday but I forgot to, I’ll post the next chapter on Monday, and I’m going to finish chapter 35 which I’m in the middle of right now
          I don’t know if this means I’ll be back to regular updates, but I hope so
          Hopefully I’ll be up to doing my read for reads too


Let me be real here, I have no real excuse for not updating or continuing my read for reads. I’ve had plenty of time to do it, however I simply lack the motivation to do anything. Like most places I’m under quarantine so that isn’t helping me.
          I will continue writing and reading, but I can’t say when. Hopefully soon..
          I have two chapters written out right now, so I’ll post one tomorrow and the other on Monday. Thank you to the like four people who will read this, and I hope you all stay safe <3 love you