
i changed my profile pic and background pic cebause i’m not the person i was 2 years ago


this message may be offensive
If anyone of you out there doesn’t know about the current situation including Logan Paul, I’ll enlighten you about it.
          Logan Paul had recently posted a vlog (he deleted, but others have re uploaded it) of him going into aokigahara also know as ‘the suicide forest’ in Japan where he found a dead body.
          It had not been proven that the body was real it may or may not be but what he did is not acceptable.
          He went up to the body and filmed it.
          He did blur the face but that does not excuse his actions.
          He then proceeded to laugh as if it is a joke or whatever the hell he was laughing about.
          He also had like 3 other people with them and by the look in their faces made me and I’m sure plenty others think it was fake, one of them kept smiling every time Logan would put the camera on him and same with the girl and the other one would kind of would just repeat what Logan would ask him.
          I am completely sickened by this and their actions.
          Suicide is not a fucking joke and neither is depression/ mental illness.
          For anyone out there that is struggling with these things.
          Don’t hurt yourself baby.
          Don’t kill yourself.
          You are so important and I wish you could see that too.
          You are loved, you are special, and you have so much potential.
          You have made it this far and that means so much.
          You are amazing.
          You are so beautiful.
          Your body is so beautiful.
          You. are. Perfect. 
          I wouldn’t recommend watching the video as it is a very touchy subject but if you want to watch it I obviously can’t stop you but just be careful watching it and pay close attention to all their reactions and see for yourself how foolish they act, before and after because even before they saw the body they were laughing about going into the forest.
          If you’re going through any of what I just said please seek help because it helps a lot.
          Suicide hotline: 1-800-273-8255
          I love you guys very much and stay safe.