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Hello pweeple, lesbians, whores and salty locals . I'm not back but I'm telling you this now while I have the chance. I've handwritten some chapters for my Jimin FF but it'll take me a while to update since
1. No wifi (I'm literally in ballin on school wifi)
2. I'm not even supposed to have this phone.
So I didn't forget my other stories. I will be hand writing and trasferring as many chapters as I can. I'm also working on my Seokjin FF since I haven't touch that in who knows when. Tbh I might as well work on all of them since my dumbass wants to make 15 million stories at once and I'm making another one too lmao. But just know that I've uploaded a chapter of Jimin's FF. I'm sorry if it's sucky but you what's also sucky? His mou- let me stop before some ppl get pressed. I think I'm typing to much....should I stop....I need to finish my homework so later ppl