
Im back


New New NEW BOOK!!!
          Hello everyone!
          So, ive been thinking about this one for a while, and im going to be getting help with a friend of mine, the both of us are really into monster high, and this book will be one using our own ocs, and art, and maybe some other thing or two, this is going to be a huge project for me, sincce I will also be using this as a oportunity to make a plot using a character of my own invention, this is just an announcement for the book, I dont have a tittle yet, but I do know whicch characters I want to have.
          Since its based on the  monster high universe you will see the characters interact with the officcial mh characters, I dont know how many of you guys will read it or not, but if you do, I will forever be in more debt than I already am withyou because you read my books XD
          Im really excccited about this, beccause ive always felt like an outcast at home, and everywere else,  I found about monster high years ago, and I felt in love with the series, I lived in a society were a lot of things were looked down on, specially acting like a kid, or liking other kinds of stuff, so I denied it, and a lot of things, but I found people that liked the same as me, and well, this is were I am now, about to throw myself into a new place, were all of your flaws make you yourself, and its okay, and to be honest, I always wanted that, acceptance.
          I know this place does not exist irl, but if im a wirtter, and studying to be an artist, maybe like this, I will finally give some closure to what ever I have in my mind that has been bugging me and hunting me for the longest time.
          Either way, this is more than enough rambling, I hope that you guys are as excited as I am for this one, and dont worry, I will still post for my other ff, I need to continue the tracer x reader saga, and the mlb break dance, thanks for reading this announcement, I love all of  you, and have a great day


          Okay, so n1 Im not dead, but I have been dying because of college and personal things on my life irl
          And second, AS YOU GUYS HAVE READ, I am planning on a new book, but I want you guys opinión, it wont be a fanfic, I will try to make a new story, completely original one, if you are interested on this, please tell me, I have been thinking on this one for a while now, at the same time that I have been writting the next episode of mlb breakdance, and tracer x reader so please tell me if you guys would be interested on a differnt kind of story comming from me, thanks for the attention


Just wandering if u were going to update the trace x reader one I really love that book gets me submerged in everything


@Sleke1227 alright thanks for the honesty


@Sleke1227 I will, I do my stories in order, my miraculous ladybug one, and then my tracer one


           No, im okay, YES I will update my stories, but this is about something else, my brothers and my birthday (we were born the same day, twins) is coming up next week, and since black friday is comming out I want to surprise him, and buy him a nintendo switch and the new smash game, I study art and animation, so I wanted to know if any of you would be interested on buying a pice, from 5 to 25 bucks, on the end of this post will be my instagram, so please dm me there so that we can be on contact, I promise I will be posting more frequently on my stories, but please help me out on this one, I really want to impress him, he has done so much for me the last four years, and now I want to pay him back 


this message may be offensive
I want to commit suicide, I actually do, im so fed up with everyone´s shit, and their hypocracy with me, im fed up with my family that asks me to repect them and dont respect the most minimum shit about me and treat me like a mule, im sick of them being able to yell at me all they want and tell me to shut up when im trying to study and tell them to stop yelling, im sick of parents that never pay attention to me and then say that im a slacker, im seriously sick of it, they dont care, they act as if they do and always remind me that I was born from them and I owe them everything, when they started the problems, and never wanted to notice, im so sick of this, im sick of them telling me every fucking time im on an argument with them or they are mad at me "IF YOU DONT WANT TO STUDY JUST DROP OUT OF COLLEGE SO THAT WE STOP WASTING OUR MONEY IF YOU WONT DO ANYTHING" Ok, so thanks, seriously, thanks for sending me to a bitch doctoro cause you were lazy fuckers that did not give me any attention, thanks for letting everyone stomp on me including my siblings, and comparing me to them by making my level of intelligence feel lower, thanks for talking to me as if I where your mule, and the only thing that you need me for is to carry your heave shit on my back cause you are too lazy or old to do it, thanks for fighting with me for months and getting mad at me when I told you to shut up cause I was not going to study what you wanted me to, and I wanted to study to be an illustrator, seriously thanks, thanks for not giving a shit about me, and make me feel like its all about the money, being absent on my life, and then acting as if you did care, thanks, thanks for nothing, I just want to leave


If u can let me know when it's done


Lit fam about to start


@DeadLord703 Its done, read it now..!!


@DeadLord703 Sure thing, dont worry