
So um, my cat just got killed in an car Accident. I'm probably not going to update for a while. Sorry. 


Sooooooo... the thing is - I had final exams the past months and before that, I kind of had a writers' block - I will do my best to update again but I can't promise anything. Also - I can't write without listening to music while doing it... anyone else who knows that?


Danke fürs folgen darf ich fragen wie es dazu kam?^^


@Kenma_Kozume_Nekoma und du magst scheinbar Haikyuu - das ist ein weiterer großer Pluspunkt ;-)


Achsooo oki ^^


Ich hoffe ihr alle könnt Englisch lesen weil ich das hier jetzt nämlich in Englisch schreiben werde, damit es jeder versteht - so, the thing is - I still won’t update much the next weeks because I very busy studying for my upcoming exams… sorry for that. I will try to at least get one or two chapters done but I can’t promise anything. Hope ya'll aren’t mad now… love you all, bye