@dumbasian Sarcasm? xD but imo as long as you get it done, doesn't really matter. Doing it your way probably won't work with me because I stress easily = . =''
@dumbasian Sarcasm? xD but imo as long as you get it done, doesn't really matter. Doing it your way probably won't work with me because I stress easily = . =''
@Tapioca Very nice schedule. In my case it's going with the flow until the very last minutes where I stay up really late finishing everything -_- Not the most organised but it gets me As still and I get to do whatever I want during school.
@dumbasian Well not really. I think the only reason I have trouble is because my routine is like this:
2 hours- Complaining about why I didn't do this earlier, Why I have to do this/need this later on in life. 1-3 hours- Listening to music. 40 minutes- Actually doing stuff. xD
@Tapioca Hahaha I actually have no idea how I pas my grades... and then your like studying and doing work all the time while I'm in class watching 5 min food haha