
Just wanted to let my readers know that I've caught a bad cold after the festivities for my dad's birthday, and are currently too sick to be able to write the update this week. I hope to finish it by next Friday instead, September the 9th!
          	Hope that you all are having a much better time than I'm currently having! Hehe ❤️ Much love!


Sadly this cold is still having me bedridden and very ill, so I won't be able to update yet still. I'll get back to it when I get better! ❤️ 
          	  Much love! xx


@ Nanaleedia  take care of yourself first and then about other stuff. Take your time to recover<3


@Nanaleedia take care of yourself. Hope you are feeling better soon


Hey Nana!
          It's been over two years of me patiently waiting for you to continue your absolutely amazing and breathtaking story, I honestly read it sooo many times now! I hope you're doing well and will come back to writing one day, hopefully soon!^^
          Nahee ;3


Hey Nana! It's been a long while, I came back to, of course, check for an update. It's unfortunate there isn't one, but I'm rereading the book and I'm falling in love with it and your writing all over again. I don't know where you've been or what you're up to, but I truly hope you're okay and doing what you love. Please take care, enjoy yourself and do what's good for you.
          If you are to return, you have many waiting for it eagerly. Thank you for such an amazing book. It's my favourite of any I've come to be, and I think it'll remain that way. It's never forgotten and always reccomended. <3
          All the love Nana! ♡♡♡


Hi i love your work alot ive been reading "you hv a match" since day one and it's really amazing. I actually wanted to ask you for the name of a riren story that i dont know the name of its where levi adopts eren and he's a ceo there r actually two parts of this story where eren is young and the second part is where eren becomes older i'd really appreciate it if you could help me find this story thanx !!


Aww really?? I loved tht story could you maybe tell me if the writer is still there n could you tell me her name please n thank you very much for telling me the name !


are you on about i’m not your daddy and who’s your daddy?! i loved those so much but i think they sadly got deleted :(


hi ! i hope ur doing well, i was just wondering if your still writing ur story bc its been a little over a year since you've updated and the last time u responded to a message was 6 months ago :( im sorry if this message comes off rude or is pressuring u im just curious 


Hi, how are you? hope you're well.
          I absolutely don't want to put pressure on you but I just want to say that I miss this story and how you wrote it, since it's thanks to your skills that I became passionate about this story. it's been a long time since the last update, I don't want to continue deluding myself but I still have a bit of hope for this story which is my favorite. hope you still intend to continue and finish it because it's literally a masterpiece (at least for me).


hi hi ! :)
          i just recently started reading your work and WOW ! i can’t even put into words how incredibly talented you are; i’ve spent almost all my free-time the last few days reading your story, i genuinely can’t get enough !
          i hope you are doing well and i can’t wait to finish what you’ve written; i will also be doing my very best to be patient for future updates — although i might just reread it in the meantime haha :)


Hello hello! Still come back every now and then to see if the story has been updated, the only reason I still come on this app! 
          I hope you're doing well Nana! Take care and good luck with everything, as well as writing the story