
So I realized today that the 'An Undertale Alchenist' chapters only uploaded halfway through, which is a huge set back to what I had planned. From now on 'till whenever, I'll be working on building back up those chapters... I'm super bummed out! I had some really funny stuff in those chapters and now they're lost!!! :'C
          	Anyway, hope you all have a good Valentine's day! And if you're like me, be the best valentine to yourself that you could possibly be!!! For the sake of chocolate, eat it all!!!!! XD
          	*~Throws candy hearts and chocolate at your mouth~ Fails miserably~*


So I realized today that the 'An Undertale Alchenist' chapters only uploaded halfway through, which is a huge set back to what I had planned. From now on 'till whenever, I'll be working on building back up those chapters... I'm super bummed out! I had some really funny stuff in those chapters and now they're lost!!! :'C
          Anyway, hope you all have a good Valentine's day! And if you're like me, be the best valentine to yourself that you could possibly be!!! For the sake of chocolate, eat it all!!!!! XD
          *~Throws candy hearts and chocolate at your mouth~ Fails miserably~*


I'm not one to do this but IT'S STORY TIIIIIIIME!!!!! About my weekend ;)
          So for the past month all of my family was sick with some weird throat thing. Both my mom and brother had strep and my dad had a fever (Luckily out little brother didn't get sick), I hadn't come down with anything while they were all moaning but the second they all got better I got sick. I caught their freaking sick! I hate catching the sick!
          So all weekend I sat on the couch watching 'How it's Made' for two days straight, not moving an inch. I knew that I wouldn't get better anytime soon so the next day (monday) I dug through the med cabinet and found some cold and flu crap and some pain killers because my throat was on }FIRE{! After waiting an hour my dad asked me why I was giggling so much and I showed him the pill bottles. It was 'cold and flu nyquil' and excedrin with added caffeine.  I HAVE NOW COME TO MY SENSES AND AM WEARING A T.A.R.D.I.S ONSIE AT SCHOOL CRYING ABOUT THE SNOW BECAUSE I DON'T WANT THE SQUIRREL BABIES TO GET COLD! CURRENTLY *CRYING* IN *SCHOOL*, AN 18 YEAR OLD CRYING ABOUT *COLD SQUIRRELS*! I tried to eat a freaking piece of paper because it had a picture of a pizza on it! I'm crying!


Hey guys, I know I haven't updated at all lately and I'm really sorry about that. I'm stuck being a senior in highschool and am barely passing, which might mean that I'll have to spend another year in hell if I don't somehow get my grades up in time. I think about you guys a lot and hope you're all doing better than me with life!!! 
          I'm trying to squeeze in as much writing as possible with the little spare time I have, though it's not much, I'm trying!!! 
          Love you all!
          *Pummels you with hugs and candy* 
          I'll try and update soon! <3


So today we got out of school early. Woohoo! (Not really) there was a bomb threat in the middle school so we all had to sit in front of the church parking lot for an hour. Guess who has a sunburn 'cause it was so freaking hot!