
Hey guys I have finally just updated "How's the end,Rachel?" 
          	Go check it out and tell me your thoughts. I'm so happy to be back and hopefully will be posted more frequently now. Thanks for all of your support. Love you guys!


Hey guys I am so so so so so so so SORRY that I have not updated any of my stories in I can't believe it a year! I do want to let you guys know I do have 2 chapters written for my How's Rachel series which should be up by the end of month. I also have a new OutlawQueen fanfic in the works. Thank you guys for being so supportive and your patience. Love you guys!


I'M SO SO SORRY, that I haven't updated any my stories in so long. I have been have some personal problems and have been extremely stressed with school work. I will try my best to post something in the next couple of weeks. I want to thank you guys for all your patience, love and support.