
Vielen Dank, dass Sie über Hell's Smitten abgestimmt haben! Ich würde gerne hören, was Sie darüber denken! Entschuldigung für mein schlechtes Deutsch <3


Thank you!! I definitely wanted it to feel real, that was my #1 goal- cause what's the point of falling in love with the Chef if it feels like it's fake? ;) I completely agree about the other fanfics, especially other Gordon fics. They're almost all pretty trash, lolol. And thank you about the german too, I've been studying for years ;u;


@Whatitshouldvebeen It's absolutely GORGEOUS! I love the mix of realism and fiction in your work. It's really entertaining and not as weird as all the other fanfictions. And no prob by the way, you actually do speak/write well in german ;)