
Me: Mom, can we go out? :(
          	Mom: Sure :) Where do u want to go?
          	Me: Nevermind TT___TT


Anyone get that feeling when you're just plain lazy that the remote, that is only two steps away, seems too far, and you're stuck with watching a shopping channel instead of Spongebob?


Hi, remember me? I been thinking of making a story about a pony named Abby HeartApple, who when is around poison joke, this strange stallion appears that only she can see. Thing is, i need your oppinion on it! Her whole goal in the story is to fall in love with the stallion. It's called poison joke, or poison love?


@alicehanjad Hai dearest!!! :))) I think, in my opinion, it's best suited as poison love. Since Abby's goal is to fall in love with the stallion and she's the only one who could see the stallion, as you mentioned. :))
            God  bless with your story!!! I know you'll do great!!!! :))))


Hey tele-tummies!!
          I'm really sorry if my Creepypasta Boyfriend Scenarios are taking too long Dx
          I know I promised end of August. Seriously, I'm typing up some things and I'm nearly done, but it will take a bit of time :((
          Thank you for your patience :)) it honestly helps :))
          ~Turn that frown upside down and have a lovely day


Hay guys!!!! :)))
          I'm losing track Dx
          Remember when I told u I follow back those who follow me?
          Well, apparently, I seem to have not followed someone yet :((( And I'm having a hard time finding who Dx
          If it's you, kindly PM me so I could :))
          ~Turn that frown upside down and have a great day!