
I apologize for not delivering part 2 of Eldric early. I am a little busy with studying for finals. After 3 weeks, I will have free time, so I will be able to release many parts. But still I will release one or two parts in this and next week.


Sorry for intruding...
          Please do check my book for once... you'll love the story... Give it a try please..
          Please follow me back


@_chaotic_little_ okay. I will just give you reads for now. I have final exams next week so i am busy. But after that i will read it properly.


I apologize for not delivering part 2 of Eldric early. I am a little busy with studying for finals. After 3 weeks, I will have free time, so I will be able to release many parts. But still I will release one or two parts in this and next week.